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            WHAT IS SIN?
1 John 3:4 Whosoever committeth sin transgresseth also the law: for sin is the transgression of the law.

What is Sin?  This seems like a basic question to ask right?  Yet surprisingly enough very few know how to define sin.  Many think they know what sin is.  Many Know about sin, all  commit si, but few can properly define it.  If you ask 10 different people what sin is, you will probably get 10 different answers.  They will vary from describing some sins, to it’s the evil and bad things we do.   Many will describe sin as going against scripture.  Yet they deny the very scriptures that describe sin in our lives.   But sin is not in the action itself.  Let me explain in scripture. ( Mat 5:27  You have heard that it was said to the ancients,  You shall not commit adultery.   Mat 5:28  But I say to you that whoever looks on a woman to lust after her has already committed adultery with her in his heart. ) There is no actual action when lusting in the heart.  Yet Yeshua taught us that sin is in the heart, it is the motivation behind the action.  He didn’t change or nullify the commandment not to commit adultery, he clarified it.  Yet this still doesn’t define sin.  The definition of sin is much simpler indeed.  Another thing that might surprise some,  is that the definition of sin doesn’t come from the understandings and pondering’s of men, it comes from scripture.  Sure the Torah (Pentateuch, first five books of the Bible) define the will of God and in essence, sin for us.  But the simplest definition comes from what many call the New Testament.  And once again this is very surprising to some.  The definition comes from (1 John 3:4 Whosoever committeth sin transgresseth also the law: for sin is the transgression of the law.).  So the easiest definition of sin is the transgression of the Law.  Just to clarify what Law is being spoken of here. The Greek word for transgression of the Law is  *?@:4́?
From G459; illegality, that is, violation of law or (generally) wickedness: - iniquity, X transgress (-ion of) the law, unrighteousness.. 
The Law spoken of that is being transgressed is the Greek word <@́?@H
From a primary word <,́?T nemo̅? (to parcel out, especially food or grazing to animals); law (through the idea of prescriptive usage), generally (regulation), specifically (of Moses [including the volume]; also of the Gospel), or figuratively (a principle): - law.. 
 This is the  word commonly translated or understood to be Torah.  To gain a better understanding of what sin is, you must understand that the Law being spoken of here is the Torah (Pentateuch, old Testament, first five books of the Bible).  The simplest way to explain this is to remind the readers that the New Testament simply wasn’t written yet.  The events of the New Testament were still in progress.  The revelations and teachings that led to the New Testament were in progress.  So sin is going against the Law of God.  Most commonly Known as the Law of Moses.  But we will go over this issue more in detail in coming postings.  So for those of you who are still a bit nervous about this subject it may be best to understand that Sin is simply going against the Will of God.  If God says to turn right and you turn left its sin.  It is that simple.  The problem comes in when we do not know what the Will of God is in our lives.  So many get hung up and lost on this point.  They say Yay I’m saved by the blood, now what?  How do I live?  And there are many answers and most have nothing to do with the truth.  They usually involve coming to church or emulating a certain person or group of people.  But the only one we are to emulate,   is the very essence of discipleship.  It is what the name Christian has come to mean.  We are to in all things emulate our Messiah Yeshua (Jesus). (1Co 11:1  Be imitators of me, even as I also am of Christ. ) Many people know very little about who Yeshua really is.  They have been fed so many lies and mis-conceptions about him he has become something entirely different from how he is plainly described in scripture.  Please take the time to read about our Messiah.  Look at how he lived his life.  And remember this is our example.  Look at every aspect of his life.  And try to see which parts of the Law (The Will of God) that he refused to follow   Remember the definition of Sin as stated by scripture and not mans idea of what’s acceptable.  Many have heard that all sins are equal in the eyes of God.  But they neglect to understand what that really means.  Take the time to properly pray over this issue.    If you do not know what the Will of God is you may in fact be walking in sin.  And Yes Yeshua’s sacrifice did away with the condemnation of sin and death.  BUT YESHUA DID NOT DIE TO GIVE US A LICENCES TO SIN.  To think this is to deny the very nature of who our God is.  Sure we are no longer condemned by sin through the Blood of the Lamb but we are to emulate him and he was sinless.  We are to constantly try to remove sin in our lives.  We do not attempt to keep from sin to become saved we remove sin because we are saved.